Pro Audit

Marco Rossi and Marco Bombardieri are the founding partners of Pro Audit: after a long stay in the professional environment of the ‘Big Four’, they founded an audit company, whose slogan is Proactive & Professional Audit.

What distinguishes us

Specialisation in Auditing: the experience acquired in the field of Audit and Advisory, both in large international companies and SMEs, allows our partners to assist and support companies in their growth path, offering differentiated and customised solutions based on the real needs of each client.

Added Value

Ensuring professionalism and quality in auditing and consulting services to companies is our mission.

In addition to partners, our team consists of young professionals who interact in a dynamic and stimulating environment whose milestone is teamwork. We invest in innovation and young people, work closely with local universities, and collaborate on numerous projects, careers and partnerships.

Founding members

Marco Rossi

A consultant for international groups and lecturer at leading organisations, he deals with auditing, business consulting and training.
A chartered accountant, registered with the Piacenza Chamber of Commerce since 2009, an auditor registered with the Register of Auditors since 2009, he developed his professional career at Deloitte (formerly Arthur Andersen), becoming manager in 2007, executive in 2008 and senior manager from 2010 to 2017. He has also been an Adjunct Professor of “Corporate Auditing”, “Financial Statements and Financial Communication” and “Consolidated Financial Statements and International Accounting Principles” at the University of Parma, and Lecturer in “Methodologies and Quantitative Determinations of Companies” at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan from 2009 to 2018. He currently continues his partnership with universities by intervening in university courses with lectures on specific technical and topical issues.

His main specialisations are:
Auditing with positions as Statutory Auditor, Chairman and Statutory Auditor on Boards of Statutory Auditors;
Corporate consultancy for international groups, consultancy in extraordinary transactions and due diligence (M&A), support in company performance analysis, drafting of consolidated financial statements and business plans;
Lecturer and course speaker at leading organisations in the areas of financial statements, auditing, financial statement analysis, consolidated financial statements, national and international accounting standards, corporate performance analysis and business crisis.

His milestone is to offer an all-round high quality service to companies of different sizes (from multinationals to SMEs), thanks to 20 years of specific expertise gained in the world of the “BIG 4”.

Marco Bombardieri

Member of Pro Audit, Chartered Accountant and Auditor since 2011, he developed his professional career mainly at Deloitte (formerly Arthur Andersen) from 2001 to become manager in 2007, executive in 2008 and senior manager in 2010.
His slogan is ‘Even small and medium-sized companies deserve a quality audit’.

He specialized in auditing both small and medium-sized industrial and commercial companies. He also provides administrative and accounting consultancy, accounting due diligence, and support in the preparation of separate and consolidated financial statements.
Lecturer at the Brescia Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts for teaching trainees and interns on auditing issues, as well as lecturing in professional training courses and masters courses on administration and accounting issues.
Member of the internal advisory commission of the Brescia Association of Chartered Accountants called Board of Auditors, legality controls and model 231.

He is an auditor and statutory auditor in industrial and commercial companies.


Vitalba Colucci

Vitalba graduated in Economics and Business Administration specialising with a Master’s Degree in Finance and Risk Management. After an initial experience as a financial consultant in a leading banking outsourcing company, in 2019 she joined the team of Pro Audit, of which she is also a partner. In addition to his audit work, in recent years he has had the opportunity to participate in the preparation of consolidated financial statements and to develop his knowledge in tax matters.

Arianna Romele

Senior Pro Audit, nel 2017 si è laureate ma magistrale presso l’Università degli Studi di Brescia in Consulenza Aziendale Libera Professione. Da settembre 2020 è iscritta all’albo dei Dottori Commercialisti di Brescia e al registro dei Revisori Legali da dicembre 2022.

Prima di approdare in Pro Audit ha lavorato presso la società di revisione Deloitte & Touche dal 2015 al 2020 raggiungendo il grado di Senior 2. In questa esperienza lavorativa ha seguito principalmente progetti di revisione contabile, Due Diligence e Agreed Upon Procedure. Ha avuto modo di interfacciarsi con realtà di medio-grandi dimensione seguendo società controllate di quotate italiane ed estere, gruppi di imprese che predispongono il bilancio consolidato e società che utilizzano i principi contabili internazionali (IFRS). Le realtà con cui si è confrontata appartengono a svariati settori tra i quali i principali:

  • Manifatturiero;
  • Food & Beverage;
  • Servizi

Laura Maini

Laura graduated with a Master’s degree in Business Management from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in October 2019.
From 2019 until early 2021, she gained experience and training at Deloitte & Touche S.p.A., working in the audit of industrial and service companies belonging to the manufacturing and commercial sectors. In addition to auditing statutory financial statements, she supported the audit of consolidated financial statements and reporting packages of Italian subsidiaries belonging to international groups.

Since May 2021 Laura has been a member of the audit company Pro Audit S.r.l. In addition to auditing activities, she has participated in Due Diligence activities and has been able to deepen her knowledge in the field of SMEs belonging to the manufacturing, agri-food and construction sectors, focusing on the balance sheet areas of financial statements.

Stefania Petrescu

Stefania graduated in Business Economics curriculum ‘Markets and Financial Intermediaries’ at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Then she continued her studies by obtaining her Master’s degree in Business Management curriculum ‘Private practice and Tax Law’, also at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Piacenza.

During her master’s degree course, she carried out a six-month curricular internship at Pro Audit with subsequent employment in September 2022.

Elisa Fiorani

Elisa obtained a master’s degree in business economics, specialization in “legislation, audit and control” at the University of Milan Bicocca in 2021.

She gained initial experience in an auditing firm in Milan, interfacing mainly with medium-small businesses operating in the industrial and commercial sector, supporting in the auditing of statutory financial statements and reporting packages of Italian companies. Since March 2023 she’s part of the Team Pro-Audit.

Andrea Tresoldi

Andrea completed the course for specialists in Accounting and Financial Statements in May 2022 at 24ore Business School, with Marco Rossi as the scientific coordinator.

Thanks to his active participation and keen interest in the course topics, he began an internship at Pro Audit in November 2022, gaining his first experience in auditing the financial statements of Italian companies.

At the end of the internship, he joined the team.

Rossella Ronchi

Rossella obtained a Master’s degree in Business Consulting and Private Practice from the University of Brescia in March 2022.
Prior to his current experience in Pro Audit, She worked at the auditing firm EY S.p.A. in Brescia, reaching the rank of Senior 1.

During his experience in EY S.p.A. he worked on project of business auditing and Agreed Upon Procedure, following both medium-large companies and companies belonging to groups listed on the regulated market.

Since May 2024 Rossella has been part of the auditing firm Pro Audit S.r.l.

Sofia Kondra

Sofia received her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a profile in “Marketing Management” from the University of Parma. Subsequently, she pursued a Master’s degree in General Management with a profile in “Business Management.”

During her master’s studies, she did a six-month internship with the company Pro Audit, where she put her academic knowledge into practice in a real-life work setting.

The internship ended with her being hired as of September 2024.

We actively collaborate with dozens of professionals and experts in the field

Why choose us

We support our clients through a team of professionals with a long track record in the ‘Big Four’ professional environment, offering our expertise to national and international companies. The founding partners of Pro Audit are consultants to international groups, auditors for multinational companies and SMEs, support professional firms and Boards of Auditors, and teach at leading organisations, professional bodies and universities. They are supported by professionals with experience and specialisations in: auditing, legal auditing, administrative and accounting consultancy services, Due Diligence and Agreed Upon Procedures, preparation of separate and consolidated financial statements.